
Ви, байстрюки катів осатанілих, Не забувайте, виродки, ніде: Народ мій є! В його гарячих жилах Козацька кров пульсує і гуде!
По всем приметам 3 сезон "Рейка" с Роксбургом выйдет только в следующем году. В связи с чем возник вопрос, чтобы такого перевести.

Вопрос: Что переводить?
1. ТВ-фильм об Алане Тьюринге с Дереком Джекоби в главной роли 
4  (30.77%)
2. Серия о "Буре" с Тревором Нанном из Shakespeare Uncovered 
4  (30.77%)
3. Двухсерийная "Room at The Top" (по "Путь наверх" Джона Брэйна) c Максин Пик - Бафта этого года за минисерию 
4  (30.77%)
4. Ваш вариант? 
1  (7.69%)
Всего:   13
Всего проголосовало: 12

@темы: Derek Jacobi, Richard Roxburgh, Шекспир

19.10.2013 в 18:54

"Аудиенцию"? Плиз-плиз-плиз? Думаю, не только я скажу спасибо, не все смогут в кинотеатры пробраться.
Или без сабов нереально?
Я могу сделать тайминг (без текста). :)
19.10.2013 в 19:17

Ви, байстрюки катів осатанілих, Не забувайте, виродки, ніде: Народ мій є! В його гарячих жилах Козацька кров пульсує і гуде!
Tenar, я думала об этом, но на слух не потяну. Текста в сети найти не могу, придется добывать либо сабы, либо книжку.
19.10.2013 в 19:23

Эх, жаль. Я тоже пыталась найти сабы, искала даже текст пьесы — но глухо.
19.10.2013 в 21:59

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Голосую за первые два.
По поводу "Аудиенции" - записать на слух я могу, но два но а) у меня нет видео файла, б) со временем жопа.
19.10.2013 в 22:12

Ви, байстрюки катів осатанілих, Не забувайте, виродки, ніде: Народ мій є! В його гарячих жилах Козацька кров пульсує і гуде!
Трор, первое "но" не проблема :), вот видеофайл- yadi.sk/d/5-cWk2E3AoaJ8 . Насчет второго, как уж получится.
19.10.2013 в 22:30

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Кэленен, спасибо! Я попробую.;)
А чего-нибудь из NTL до того, как их стали и у нас показывать нет? Федры или Всех моих сыновей например?
19.10.2013 в 22:47

Ви, байстрюки катів осатанілих, Не забувайте, виродки, ніде: Народ мій є! В його гарячих жилах Козацька кров пульсує і гуде!
Трор, увы. Мне бы самой "Лира" с Джекоби раздобыть. В следующем году в Лондоне надеюсь покопаться в фирменном магазине.

Насчет "Аудиенции" не торопитесь пока. Один знакомый сейчас в Лондоне, возможно, его удастся уговорить зайти в книжный. :sunny:
19.10.2013 в 23:19

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Кэленен, о, если оно там попадется, то я готов заплатить.

Хорошо, посмотрим кому удастся первому.))
20.10.2013 в 11:03

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Кэленен, сорри, я попробовал записать первые 10 минут. Вроде идет нормально, но периодически какое-то ключевое слово я не могу разобрать на слух даже при вдвое сниженном темпе. Смысл фразы-то я понимаю, но не подбирать же слова методом тыка. В общем я пока отложил это дело, если других вариантов не будет - свистните, я таки запишу как получается, но надеюсь, что более пристойный вариант таки обнаружится.
26.10.2013 в 21:30

Ви, байстрюки катів осатанілих, Не забувайте, виродки, ніде: Народ мій є! В його гарячих жилах Козацька кров пульсує і гуде!
Трор, только узнала, что книжку мне все-таки купили. :flower: На следующей неделе передадут, так что сабы будут, и английские, и русские.

Tenar, если ваше предложение сделать тайминг в силе, то буду признательна, а то я сейчас мучаю "Room at The Top".
26.10.2013 в 23:03

Отлично, я займусь. :) Как раз будет время, пока в другим занимаетесь. :)
26.10.2013 в 23:05

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Кэленен, ой какая прекрасная новость, а то мне буквально сегодня звонил один человечек со словами "Вдруг хочу Аудиенцию", но ему без сабов совсем никак.
27.10.2013 в 01:11

Ви, байстрюки катів осатанілих, Не забувайте, виродки, ніде: Народ мій є! В його гарячих жилах Козацька кров пульсує і гуде!
Tenar, отлично! Только что делать с интервью в середине? Пустить без сабов? Совсем вырезать?
27.10.2013 в 09:41

Кэленен, кстати да, тоже хотела это спросить. И в начале тоже длинный монолог ведущей.
Может, вообще их вырезать?
27.10.2013 в 09:56

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Кэленен, Tenar, начальный монолог ведущей у меня записан:

-Good evening and welcome to the National Theatre Live. We are here tonight for a very special event, we bring you “The Audience” by Peter Morgan starring Her Majesty Helen Mirren. Now usually we broadcast live from National Theatre in London, but tonight we are on the other side of the Thames in London’s West End at The Gielgud Theatre. We’re broadcasting live or almost live to over 700 cinemas in 25 countries around the globe, and it’s something of a record and something of a miracle entirely made technically possible by our fantastic sponsors at EVO, without them none of this could happen. The show is going to start in a few minutes. But before it begins I have some exciting news – in July for the very first time National Theatre Live is going to be presenting a broadcast from a festival. We are bringing you Shakespeare’s Macbeth from The Manchester International Festival, it’s directed by Rob Ashford and Kenneth Branagh and features Kenneth Branagh himself as your actual Macbeth. The live broadcast in UK will take place in July and the international screenings are going to be in October. The festival theatre tickets for the entire run sold out in 9 minutes, so do a big head for this it’s gonna be very popular. We’re also gonna be partnering with another English theatre company, The Donmar Warehouse. Do you remember we broadcast their “King Lear” with Derek Jacobi in 2010? We’re going to be back there again for “Coriolanus” with the spectacularly handsome Tom Hiddleston in January next year and those tickets are now on sale. This year is the 50th anniversary of The National Theatre and to celebrate our half-century we are going to be broadcasting some of the highlights of National Theatre’s over the last few years to cinemas across the UK. In October 50 years to the day since the first National Theatre performance we’re gonna give you another chance to see Rory Kinnear in “Hamlet” and a week later we’re giving you another opportunity to see the landmark production of Frankenstein directed by Danny Boyle and with Benedict Cumberbatch and Johnny Lee Miller alternating the roles of Frankenstein and The Creature. In November there’s another chance to see Alan Bennett’s The Habit of Art starring Alex Jennings and Richard Griffiths and in November we’re a creating a special one off evening to broadcast on BBC TV and in cinemas all over the globe. It’s going to be a mix of live performance and some beautiful jewels from the National Theatre archive featuring the greatest actors who performed on our stages over the past 5 decades. And finally the word I thought I would never be able to say, The National Theatre’s production of “War Horse” is going to be coming to this cinema in 2014. If you haven’t seen the play, it’s unbelievably brilliant, it’s been a sell-out in the UK for the last 6 years and we won one of the all-time great National Theatre Live productions. All of the information about all of our broadcasts in on our website ntlive.com so for Goodness sake’s have a look online as soon as you got home. Good, that is that sorted. Now, let us turn to “The Audience”. It opened in London in February, it has played to sold out houses ever since and it closes on Saturday, there only are two more performances. In the interval I’m going to have a quick half-time chat with this evening’s playwriter Peter Morgan, but right now the cast are ready, Her Majesty has entered the building. For the first time ever in the cinema this is the NTLive broadcast of Peter Morgan’s “The Audience”. Enjoy!

А в каком месте по времени там интервью? Попробую его тоже записать.
27.10.2013 в 10:37

Трор, вау! Тогда я прямо этот текст и оттаймирую. :)
27.10.2013 в 10:41

Кэленен, я может интервью из середины перенести в конец? Это сложно технически сделать?
27.10.2013 в 12:04

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Tenar, на здоровье.))
27.10.2013 в 15:52

Ви, байстрюки катів осатанілих, Не забувайте, виродки, ніде: Народ мій є! В його гарячих жилах Козацька кров пульсує і гуде!
А в каком месте по времени там интервью? Попробую его тоже записать.
Ровно через час.

Кэленен, я может интервью из середины перенести в конец?
Сделать можно, но придется несколько раз конвертировать, не знаю, как это отразится на качестве.

Tenar, еще вопрос, а как будет выглядеть тайминг?
27.10.2013 в 16:33

Кэленен, а как будет выглядеть тайминг?
Так как английский текст я не везде смогу набрать на слух, то буду просто выделять удобные куски и отбивать их многоточием. То есть вместо текста буду вставлять многоточия. Так пойдет?
Был бы текст под рукой - я бы вместо многоточий сразу внесла английский текст.
27.10.2013 в 17:10

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Кэленен, окей, на днях займусь интервью.
27.10.2013 в 17:37

Ви, байстрюки катів осатанілих, Не забувайте, виродки, ніде: Народ мій є! В його гарячих жилах Козацька кров пульсує і гуде!
Так как английский текст я не везде смогу набрать на слух, то буду просто выделять удобные куски и отбивать их многоточием.
Хорошо, то есть я смогу нормально ориентироваться. Текст не принципиален, можно просто писать, кто говорит. Намного важнее точное время начала и конца реплики.

Кэленен, окей, на днях займусь интервью.
Отлично, тогда мы не будем трогать видео файл. Напишем предупреждение, кто не захочет смотреть интервью, прокрутит.

Книжка уже у меня. :flower:
27.10.2013 в 17:56

Книжка уже у меня
Ура! :)

Текст не принципиален, можно просто писать, кто говорит. Намного важнее точное время начала и конца реплики
Если реплика очень длинная, то скорее всего буду разбивать ее на куски.
А вы в какой программе работаете? Я пользуюсь dsrt — очень простая и удобная, можно одновременно править текст и смотреть видео; всё видно, кто говорит.
27.10.2013 в 19:12

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Кэленен, как только запишу - кину сюда в тело камента.
27.10.2013 в 19:24

Ви, байстрюки катів осатанілих, Не забувайте, виродки, ніде: Народ мій є! В його гарячих жилах Козацька кров пульсує і гуде!
Я пользуюсь dsrt — очень простая и удобная, можно одновременно править текст и смотреть видео; всё видно, кто говорит.
Ей же и пользуюсь. :)

Трор, спасибо!
27.10.2013 в 19:50

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Кэленен, не за что пока еще.))
27.10.2013 в 20:12

Кэленен, ага, хорошо. А то я засомневалась. :)
30.10.2013 в 18:53

Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Кэленен, так, интервью с Морганом вот. Свеженькое, только записанное.)))

-Hello, I hope you’re enjoying the play. Isn’t it excellent? The second half is gonna start in about 10 minutes, but first I’m thrilled to be joined by a very special guest, one of the greatest sсript writers and filmmakers in Britain, author of “Frost/Nixon”, producer of “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”, author of “The Deal” and “The Queen” and now the actual writer of the actual play you’ve been watching. This is Peter Morgan. Peter, why are you writing about the Queen again?
-I have no idea, I’d like to apologise. When… when the first… The film came about by accident, you know…
-The movie “The Queen” starring Helen Mirren?
-Yes, yes. And to be honest that started almost for me, that started from the other side of the fence. What, you know, what did Tony Blair do during those days. And it ended up growing and evolving and becoming what it did and… But in the course of writing that, I… You know, I enjoyed writing those Blair and Queen scenes so much. And I started thinking more about the audience and the fact that, you know, if you’re a four-term, if you’re a four-year prime minister, typical term, you get to see her 60-70 times, that’s a, that’s an awful lot of time one on one with anybody. And it all, you know… and the only relationship, that I think it pays any resemblance, is therapeutic one, in that sense. So…
-So this is Queen as therapist?
-And maybe Prime Minister as therapist, you know. The fact that you are sitting in a formal… One’s conversation is so much better when it’s formal. You know, in that it’s not being done while eating or being done while watching TV, or being done while sitting on a bus or travelling or whatever. You seat opposite one another with the sole purpose of talking to one another. That doesn’t happen often. Most of our conversation is thrown away or accidental or reluctant.
-Sitting on a raw box in the theatre for instance?
-Well, this is formal. Which is why it’s working so very badly. So, you know, I thought, given that it’s also unminuted, and, you know, no one knows what is said. And all the Prime Ministers have been very supporting, with the exception of Blair actually, who did occasionate… But they’ve all been very supporting about not leaking, not saying anything, not, you know. I thought, well, this is perfect.
-Well, it’s perfect except this meetings that weren’t minuted, they weren’t talked about, nobody else is present – how on earth do you know what was going on at them?
-Well, I don’t. I mean, I mean, I don’t…
-So what have we been watching?
-You’ve been watching an imagined conversation between people in which quite a few of the dots, you know, that you would have to join with your writing, would be known. So we know what happened, you know, in the course of these Prime Ministers’ terms. You know, we know what was going on in her life, we know what was going on. Biographers and historians and television records, we… That’s not a mystery. It might be more of a mystery to know what they actually felt about what was going on, and, you know, there’s no doubt that, I mean all the indications are there that after a certain amount of time people do feel very comfortable. She’s a great listener. And it’s not easy being a Prime Minister. You know, it’s a bit of a war zone for most of them. And this is the one time in a week, probably, when they can speak their minds without fear that it might be coming back to bite them in the neck.
-Did you talk to people who’ve been around at the time, who did know what’d happened in these sessions, or is this wholy imagined? I mean, obviously you have a lot of facts, you’ve put into these audiences. But did you actually find out what was happening?
-Well, anecdotally?
-There’re those that she cared for and those that she didn’t care for. And you know, time flew with some and time dragged with others.
-Do you know this from the people that you’ve talked to?
-Yes, yeah.
-Can you say who you’ve talked to?
-Well, I hope it’s clear from the play who she liked and who she didn’t like. If I, if I haven’t made it clear, I’ve done my job very badly. You know, yes, there’re both royal biographers, people who work at the palace, people who used to work at the palace. And then, also, on the other side, you know. There’re Prime Ministers, who had less time for the monarchy, had less sympathy for the monarchy. You know, the monarchy is going through an unusually popular period at the moment. It has gone through much tougher times then the times we’re, she faces at the moment, you know.
-If the play isn’t factually, I mean, as factually correct, if this is your imaginings what happened at these meetings, you’re actually pushing through a sort of different truth, are you?
-Well, that’s where you get into the difference, maybe, between truth and accuracy.
-And, you know, I think people would fundamentally reject what was going on or I would’ve heard about it, if what I was saying was fundamentally without a truth. There are inaccuracies, I can’t possibly pretend to know quite what was done and said on which day and therefore many of the things I’m saying might be inaccurate, but I hope they’re not untruthful.
-Have any of the Prime Ministers featured in the play seen the show?
-Well, there’re only a few of them still alive. And I believe one’s coming tomorrow.
-Oh! Which one?
-Ha-ha. Current Prime Minister, I believe, is coming tomorrow. I hope this hasn’t now put him off coming tomorrow.
-Has The Queen been to see it?
-No, she hasn’t been to see it. Do you not think you’d have read about that?
-Well, she could have been sneaking in here somewhere.
-She could have been sneaking!
-You think if she was to come she would enjoy it?
-Oh, I don’t know. I think the ability that people have sometimes, you know, when you’re writing… I can’t tell if somebody’s gonna except the way in which you have or haven’t drawn them a s a character. She has seen, I would’ve thought, many of her portraits have been less accurate and perhaps less kind, and perhaps more experimental, so I don’t think that she’d be shocked. She might be bored. She’s been there.
-I don’t think she’d be bored. Peter Morgan, thank you. Thank you for such a lovely evening. The second half of the play is gonna start in a few minutes, but before Her Majesty reenters, I have a little treat for you. I want to show you a short film that looks at the costumes of the Queen, her timeless style and who that’s been translated into this production. Enjoy the second half and have a wonderful night.

На днях добью еще документалку о костюмах. Сейчас просто дедлайн на работе и в довершение базы легли, так что голова ни про что.
30.10.2013 в 19:05

Ви, байстрюки катів осатанілих, Не забувайте, виродки, ніде: Народ мій є! В його гарячих жилах Козацька кров пульсує і гуде!
Трор, спасибо :flower:
30.10.2013 в 19:30

Трор, спасибо, добавляю в титры. :)